Locate the package is an objective in Far Cry New Dawn (FCND).

Locate the package is an objective in the Expedition, HMS MacCoubrey - Level 2 in Far Cry New Dawn


  • Once the helicopter touches down, it is time to start heading to the Southwest, over the hill toward the carrier ship and the pink smoke.
  • Take some time to use your binoculars to spot most of the Highwaymen on the ship.
  • Make your way to the Northern end of the ship, where you can see the scaffolding and ladders leading up.
  • Climb the scaffolding upwards using either the boards or the ladders to reach the deck of the ship.
  • Move over to the right-hand side of the deck and sneak your way along the deck to reach the ladder leading upwards on the deck around the tower on the carrier.
  • Continue along the Western side of the boat on the walkway, heading toward the control deck.
  • Do not go inside, instead keep to the outside and get the Highwayman (Rank 3) leaning against the open window with a takedown.
  • Go to the Southern side of the walkway and takedown the Sniper nearby the opening the railing.
  • Be sure to collect the body and hide it nearby the Rank 3 you just took down.
  • Slip into the control deck and then take down the other Highwayman at the desk.
  • At this point, you can look to the North and find the package sitting against the wall on the desk.
  • You can also make your way up to the roof of the control deck and takedown the final sniper here.
