Locate the package is an objective in Far Cry New Dawn (FCND).

Locate the package is an objective in the Expedition, Navajo Bridge Level 1 in Far Cry New Dawn


  • After touch-down, start traveling stealthily to the South.
  • Go to the shooting range that you can see just beyond the ruined cars and trailer.
  • Take down the one patrolling Soldier here and then turn to the West.
  • Go to the base of the bridge and attempt to spot the Sniper patrolling the building nearby the pink smoke.
  • Either simply mark them or eliminate them with a quick Sniper Shot.
  • Sneak your way across the bridge to the East.
  • As you cross the midpoint of the bridge, look to the Western base of the bridge.
  • To the left of it you will see another Highwayman in a lookout tower you should eliminate to ensure they do not notice you.
  • Continue to sneak past the bus on the right-hand side of the bridge and under the overhang at the far end of the bridge.
  • Carefully make your way into the building just to the Northwest from the base of the bridge, where the Pink Smoke is coming from.
  • Go inside any door and make your way to the upper floor section of the building in its Northern side.
  • Here, you will likely see a Rank 2 Soldier guarding the package.
