Far Cry New Dawn: Prevent the Highwaymen from planting bombs - Under Siege

From Orcz
Prevent the Highwaymen from planting bombs is an objective in Far Cry New Dawn (FCND).

Prevent the Highwaymen from planting bombs is an objective in the Story Mission, Under Siege in Far Cry New Dawn


  • With the 2 or 3 trucks smashed into Prosperity, it is time to more aggressively be defending the area.
  • Climb up the trucks and start looking over the wall back toward the Highwaymen.
  • They will be heading into Prosperity and try to plant bombs around the area.
  • If any Highwayman succeeds, then the bomb will be marked on your HUD for you to find and disarm.
  • Just fight through them and look skyward when you hear Rush talking about Helicopters.
  • This leads you to needing to fight 3 Highwaymen who are parachuting in.
  • After that, more will be rushing up the truck's ramps with Attack Dogs.
  • After that, just hold on and fight through the Highwaymen until they call for their retreat.
  • At this point, it is just kill any Highwaymen remaining in Prosperity to complete the mission.
