Secure the statue area is an objective in Far Cry New Dawn (FCND).

Secure the statue area is an objective in the Story Mission, Eden's Fire in Far Cry New Dawn


  • Follow the trail to the South, around the peak of the mountain, searching for Highwaymen to eliminate.
  • Watch for the zip-line above, as you approach the Southern face of the stone face of the hill with it, you will encounter a Soldier.
  • Eliminate them as you continue forward along the path.
  • A second soldier is just to their right, so go around the corner carefully to eliminate them as well.
  • As you go around this corner, look to the East to be on guard for another pair of Soldiers.
  • Deal with them quickly as they come after you.
  • Follow the trail until you can turn North, and continue to follow it to the next face of the mountain.
  • Continue along the trail to the North, carefully searching for more Highwaymen.
  • Where you see a bunch of items piled up on the left-hand side of the trail is where you will encounter the next set.
  • Either head forward to confront them carefully or climb up onto the rocks to the right.
  • One Soldier waits just past the junk on the left in ambush.
  • Another hides just behind the cage crates on the right-hand side of the path.
  • A third hides in the rocks to the right along this path.
  • Go around the corner to the West and head up the remaining stairs to reach the base of the Statue.
  • Just a few more Highwaymen guard the area, so quickly find and eliminate each of them with a quick and sure bow shot.
  • There are 3 total, 1 in front of the hole at the base of the statue, 1 to the left of the statue and 1 to the right, by the remains of a radio tower.
