Land on different Bullseyes Season 3 Week 3 Weekly Challenge in Fortnite BR.

"Land on different Bullseyes" is one of the possible Weekly Challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale.


You can easily see the Bullseyes as you fly over the map with the Battle Bus. They look like radiating red circles.

Examples of locations include:

  • Pleasant Park Soccer Field
  • On the Mountain south of Junk Junction
  • At the umbrella near the motel
  • On big house in center of Loot Lake

See map below for all locations:


Just land on a different bullseye every match you play.


FortniteBattleRoyaleLandonDifferentBullseyes.jpg FortniteBattleRoyaleLandonDifferentBullseyes2.jpg FortniteBattleRoyaleLandonDifferentBullseyes3.jpg FortniteBattleRoyaleLandonDifferentBullseyes4.jpg FortniteBattleRoyaleLandonDifferentBullseyes5.jpg
