Search Seven Chests in Risky Reels Weekly Challenge in Fortnite BR.

"Search Chests in Risky Reels" is a Weekly Challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale.

For this challenge, you have to search 7 chests in Risky Reels.


Land in Risky Reels and search chests there.


Risky Reels is in the northeast corner of the map:


Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Risky Reels is generally very crowded, so even more so in the week of the challenge. If you are having difficulties completing this challenge try coming back in a later week. You can complete this challenge anytime between week 7 and when the Season 4 Battle Pass ends.
  • Try looking for the chest behind the big screen, it is a relatively easy and quick one to get and you are hidden from enemy players in the main area.