[[File:FortniteBattleRoyaleStrawOps.jpg|right|thumb|400px|The Straw Ops Outfit in Fortnite BR. You can buy it from the Cash Store for 1,500 [[Fortnite Battle Royale: FNBR VBuck.png|vbucks]].]]

Straw Ops is the name of one of the outfits in Fortnite Battle Royale.


The harvest grows near.

Part of the Straw Stuffed Set

How to get[edit]

Buy this costume from the Item Shop.


1,500 Vbucks

Straw Ops Back Bling[edit]

Bonus: This skin comes bundled with the Epic Birdhovel Back Bling



  • First released October 6th, 2018.
  • The male scare crow version of this outfit is called "Hay Man."

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Use this skin together with the T-Pose emote to fool other players to think you are a real scarecrow, they will ignore you and then you can ambush them and take them out by surprise.

See also[edit]