The Summit Striker Outfit in Fortnite BR. You get it from the Fortnite Battle Royale Summit Striker Starter Pack.

Summit Striker is the name of one of the outfits in Fortnite Battle Royale.


Always first to the top.

How to get[edit]

Purchase the Fortnite Summit Striker Starter Pack.

You can buy the Summit Striker Starter Pack by going to the "Store" tab in the lobby (the same section where you purchase Vbucks)

Fortnite Summit Striker Starter Pack price is $4.99

Summit Striker Back Bling[edit]

Bonus: This skin comes with the Top Notch Back Bling

You can choose to use that Back Bling or any other Back Bling with the outfit.



  • The release date for the Summit Striker Starter Pack is November 6th, 2018.
  • Upon Summit Striker's release the previous starter pack is no longer available.

See also[edit]