[[File:FortniteBattleRoyaleSunflower.jpg|right|thumb|400px|The Sun Flower Outfit in Fortnite BR. You can buy it from the Cash Store for 800 [[Fortnite Battle Royale: FNBR VBuck.png|vbucks]].]]

Sunflower is the name of one of the outfits in Fortnite Battle Royale.


Certified organic.

Part of the Fatal Fielders Set.

How to get[edit]

Buy this skin from the Item Shop.


800 [[Fortnite Battle Royale: FNBR VBuck.png|FNBR VBuck.png]]

Sunflower Back Bling[edit]

The Sun Sprout Back Bling belongs to this outfit, however it is NOT included with the purchase since this outfit is just an uncommon outfit. You have to buy this backbling separately in the Item Shop.



  • Released March 5th, 2019
  • The male version of this outfit is called "Hayseed".
  • Part of a farmer themed set, called the "Fatal Fielders Set".
    • Fatal Fields is one of the named locations. It is a farm type area.

See also[edit]