Complete the Epsilon Program Identity Evaluation at the in game website in Grand Theft Auto 5.

This is the official Epsilon Program Identity Evaluation which you can take at the website in Grand Theft Auto V

Note: I used the following answers, and then like 12 hours later of in game time I had a question mark appear at Raton Canyon that started a series of events for the Epsilon Program including letting me buy the Robes after I donated and did some other stuff for them

Q1: Do you have red hair? NO

Q2: Do you ever experience deja vu again? YES

Q3: Do you want to understant completely to be complete? YES

Q4: Do you have the endurance to lie with nine partners a week? YES

Q5: Do you consider attractiveness relative to your own attractiveness? NO

Q6: Do you have a birthmark on your face? YES

Q7: Do you want to be famous? NO

Q8: Are you able to look at things and see them as metaphors for other things, like trees and eagles? YES

Q9: Can you easily ignore your entire family and join a new group of friends? YES

Q10: Do your checks clear? YES (This is the most important question)

Click on "Get Results and you should see something like this in which you get graded on Stability, Self-Loathing, Ego, Neuroticism, Heterosexuality, Aggression, Testosterone, Narcissistic Awareness, Mind Control, Girth, Botulism

You have an enlightenment level of 24%, which is in the "Highly Undesirable Band". Your graph reveals you are extremely unfulfilled, depressed, unsuccessful and lacking in purpose and sometimes feel like stabbing out your own eyes or the eyes of others.

Please realize that this is not our opinion of you; it's your opinion of you run through a very complicated analysis machine that we sell for a profit at the Epsilon gift shop.

The important question is: do you appreciate the limitations of your misunderstandings? It is vital that you disconnect from your inadequacies.

You must take action.

Travel through the dawn to the pass pictured in our brochures Look tor a red truck with a dent on the right fender Raise your left hand and recite the words: "Take me to my father-father, brother-uncle. Kifflom."

Well do the rest. Because we all know, there is Kifflom and there is Krant. and both be praised.