Vinewood Zombie Movie Poster on the wall outside Richards Majestic

"Vinewood Zombie" is a movie produced by Richards Majestic Studios

It is a movie a Zombie who lives in Vinewood

Tagline: "Eating brains in the land of the brainless"


‘Eating brains in the land of the brainless’ Voted worst movie of 1981. Vinewood Zombies is so awful that it's awesome.

The premise: Pop music has awoken the dead and they're waging war on Vinewood.

The stars: A cast of blonde, beautiful (and presumably very cheap) unknowns who always seem to get attacked by zombies while topless.

The twist Zombies are hungry for flesh but hate the taste of silicone. So who can save the day? Pom stars with enormous fake breasts. Genius.

Nobody knows quite why this steaming Solomon Richards turd has floated for so long in the toilet bowl of popular culture. Maybe it taps into the common fantasy we all have of subjecting the residents of Rockford Hills to the most horrendous deaths imaginable. Or maybe we just never tire of seeing sluts in bikinis splatter brains on the sidewalk...

Also featured on the ingame Website:
