Do you want to open a Card Keg?

"Kegs" or "Card Kegs" are the booster packs of Gwent: The Witcher Card Game.

Open a card keg to add new cards to your collection.

Number of Cards[edit]

  • Each Keg has 5 cards
  • At least one of the cards will be rare, epic, or legendary.

Opening a Keg[edit]

  • First, four cards are displayed face down. Flip them over to reveal what they are.
    • This is only for dramatic effect, you are not choosing cards, you get all four.
  • Next, you get to choose one of three cards. Each of these three cards will be either rare, epic, or legendary.
    • The cards you don't choose get destroyed, so choose well.
  • The five cards you chose get added to your collection.

How to get more Kegs[edit]

  • You can buy more Kegs in the shop
  • You can use either ore, or real life money, to buy the Kegs
  • Prices are:
    • 1 Keg: 100 Ore
    • 2 Kegs: $2.99
    • 7 Kegs: $9.99
    • 15 Kegs: $19.99
    • 40 Kegs: $49.99
    • $60 Kegs: $69.99
  • There are also ways to get some Kegs for free. See below.

Gwent Free Kegs[edit]

There are some ways to get a Gwent Keg for free. These include:

  • Completing single player challenges
    • Some challenges award ore (which you can use to buy Kegs), while others may award a Keg itself.
  • Sign up to the GoG newsletter
    • Look in your GoG Galaxy client to the right for an option that says something like "get a free keg" and then click it and you should be taken to the page that lets you subscribe to the Gwent Newsletter. Click on Subscribe, and you will get one free Gwent Keg.
    • You also can get The Witcher Enhanced Edition for free in the same place.


  • Problem: Service interrupted. Please verify your connection
    • Solution: Check that your internet connection is working. You may have to log in again.
  • Problem: Client freezes on Processing transaction, please wait...
    • Solution: You probably opened up gwent directly using a desktop gwent shortcut. You have to open up the GOG galaxy client and then open up gwent from within GOG itself. After clicking to buy, you will have the option to pay thru a card or method directly (such as credit or paypal) or pay using your GOG wallet balance. Paying thru GOG wallet does not seem to charge tax, so (for example) depositing $19.99 into GOG and then buying the $19.99 gwent cards option will leave you with $0 in your GOG wallet. But any of these methods should work. Cheers and happy gwent-ing.

Pity Timer[edit]

The pity timer for legendaries has been recorded at 40 and although some claim to have opened more than 40 kegs without a legendary, irrefutable proof of this has yet to be established.