These page has keyboard shortcuts for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

In Menus/Cards submenus[edit]

Action Default Key Binding
Quit/Cancel ESC
Choose/Accept Enter
Switch Tab Q/E
Move cursor W/S/A/D
Turn on filters Tab
Mark Filter Option Num/Enter
Reset Filters Space
Clear Deck F

In Game[edit]

Action Default Key Binding
With cursor on card - full card description R
With cursor on graveyard - show graveyard R
Pass Space (hold)
Select leader card X
open/close emotes F
Hide cards (hold during mulligan/choice) Tab
Cards played Num -
Move cursor W/S/A/D
Screenshot F12


Below is an image made by /u/Desiderius_S from the Gwent subreddit:


Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Screenshots go to Documents\GOG Galaxy\Screenshots\Gwent