The Assassin's Flux Blast is good for knocking an enemy off the map.

This is a tutorial on how to properly use Assassin in LawBreakers.

This Assassin guide is based on the dev tutorial video.


The Assassin class is basically the queen of mobility in this game. She's got insane both in-combat and out-of-combat mobility that you're going to want to use to out-maneuver and outplay your enemies.


Arc Blades: These have a basic three hit melee combo. For each hit, it's going to be dealing more damage than the last. Each hit will also be healing you. So if you can jump into combat and start hitting people, you're going to be able to sustain just a bit and stay alive so you don't get bursted down immediately.

The alt-fire is the grapple sword. You shoot this thing out, you're going to be able to swing around the map, basically outmaneuvering, outplaying, getting behind your enemies, and otherwise confusing them as to from where you're coming from. This is going to be key because you're a very squishy class, you don't want to get blown up immediately. So you're going to want to use that mobility to get around.

Romerus Shotgun: An energy shotgun. Six rounds in the clip. The basic fire fires out 5 projectiles, kind of square pattern, and it's got pretty much insane damage potential if you can actually land all these shots, due to the super-fast reload, and the number of rounds in the clip, so it's great for poking down hallways, laying down suppressive fire against enemies, and just outputting damage from range.

The alt-fire is a charge shot that's going to shoot more projectiles that deal higher damage, and this is great for bursting people down from range, feels really high damage, great for going against tanks and other high health classes.

Flux Blast Ability[edit]

The Flux Grenade usefulness lies in knocking enemies off the map, or otherwise displacing them, especially off of objectives.

Dash Ability[edit]

Dash is your in-combat mobility. Dash along your move direction when you hit the button. Useful for closing the gap on enemies in combat so you can actually get up close and start using your melee. It's also great for juking rockets and otherwise avoiding damage.

Frenzy Ultimate[edit]

A spin attack that outputs massive damage and puts you in frenzy mode which reveals enemy and gives you increased damage and increased lifesteal. Great for hunting enemies down across the map

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • The Arc Blade's 3-hit combo increases in damage and heals you with each landed strike.
  • A small pip will appear in your crosshair when you can grapple to something.
  • Be sure to experiment, the assassin is able to traverse the map in unique ways.
  • The Flux Blast can also deflect projectiles like rockets.
  • Watch it! Your grapple and dash use the same charges on your resource meter.

Tutorials - All Classes[edit]