The Harrier's ultimate ability, Convergence, emits a high-damage, long range laser beam from chest

This is a tutorial on how to properly use Harrier in LawBreakers.

This Harrier guide is based on the Rapid Fire tutorial video and the Harrier Role Analysis video.


The Harrier is a long-range laser specialist and team support role, capable of dealing heavy damage with her beams, supporting allies in the field by increasing team damage, and providing health and fuel recharging capabilities.


Shoc Croc: Long-range beam rifle, fires constant laser beam.

The Harrier's primary weapon is the Shock Croc laser rifle. It fires a constant stream of hydronium fuel particle energy that deals persistent damage in a straight line.

Laser Tag: Shoc-Croc alt-fire. Marks enemy for increased damage.


Raycasters: Boot lasers for increased mobility and withdrawal damage. Whatever direction the bottom of the Raycasters are pointing, high mobility ensues.

Supercharger Ability[edit]

Recharge station for team and self. Regens health and fuel.

Convergence Ultimate[edit]

High-Damage, long range laser beam from chest.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Laser Tag (Shoc-Croc alt fire) increases damage enemies receive from both the Harrier and her allies.
  • Ideal combat scenarios pair the use of the Shoc-Croc with skillful combat movement of the Harrier's ray caster boots.
  • The Raycasters let the Harrier be incredibly adaptable to most all engagements.
  • Raycasters are great for lending aid at a moment's notice.

Tutorials - All Classes[edit]