The crafting system of Marvel Heroes provides three ways to improve your hero: improving your existing gear; adding special game effects to your costume; and creating consumable items that provide short-term benefits.


Each base has a special vendor who can create or improve items for you, called a crafter. The first crafter you meet is Hank Pym, found in Avengers Tower.


Everything that you can build or improve requires its own recipe: a list of ingredients required for that task. The recipes available to you appear in your crafter's vendor panel.

Mouse over a recipe to see more details about it, including its required ingredients. As your crafter gains ranks (see below), he or she will offer a wider range of recipes. You can also find new recipes by defeating enemies.

When you have a new recipe in your inventory, just right-click on the recipe to add it to your crafter's list of recipes.

In addition to the ingredients listed, all recipes also require the expenditure of credits.

Even though your crafters have different names, they all share the same rank and know the same recipes.


The simplest ingredients used in recipes are called elements. Almost any recipe you encounter will require at least one element.

There are four kinds of elements:

  • Ionic Particle
  • Nanotech Filament
  • Astral Essence
  • Enhanced Genome

Each of these four elements can appear at one of eight tiers of quality, from Simple (Tier 1) to Pure (Tier 8). Mouse over an element to see more details about it, including its quality.

You can find elements by defeating enemies. You can also use your crafter to transform element into higher- or lower-quality elements.

Crafter Rank[edit]

Just like your hero starts at level 1, each crafter starts at rank 1. A crafter's rank determines which recipes that crafter knows. As the crafter gains ranks, the list of recipes available to you from that crafter expands.

You can increase a crafter's rank by donating unwanted items to any crafter. This works a lot like selling items to a vendor.

When the crafter panel is open, hold ALT and right-click on the item you want to donate. This destroys the item and gives the crafter some XP. When the crafter's yellow XP bar fills up, the crafter advances to the next rank.

The more valuable the item you donate, the more XP the crafter earns.

Hold down ALT when the crafter panel is open to see how much XP your inventory items are worth.

All your crafters have the same rank and know the same recipes. Donating an item to any crafter gives XP to ALL of your crafters.

Crafting Tutorial[edit]

When you want a crafter to create or improve an item, follow this procedure:

  • Left-click on the crafter to bring up the crafter panel.
  • Left-click on the recipe you want to use.
  • Right-click on the ingredients in your inventory that the recipe requires.
  • If needed, right-click on the item the recipe will modify.
  • Once all ingredients the recipe needs have been added, the Create button will highlight.
  • Left-click the Create button to complete the recipe.
  • Wait for the crafting process to finish.
  • Left-click the Take All Items button to put the crafted or modified item(s) into your inventory.

You can't undo crafting, so once you make or modify an item, you've permanently lost the materials and the credits that went into making it.

Be sure you really want to craft that item before you click Create!