Level up by earning experience points (abbreviated XP). As you gain XP, the yellow bar above your action bar fills up. When it fills completely, you gain a level. (Level-Up)

Gaining levels improves your hero in a variety of ways:

  • Increases maximum health and spirit
  • Unlocks new powers
  • Gives you power points to improve powers
  • Increases attributes

Earn XP by:

  • Defeating enemies
  • Completing mission objectives
  • Picking up a yellow orbs

See your hero's level on the character panel (P).

Shared XP[edit]

So long as you're dealing damage in combat, you get XP for all enemies defeated nearby, even if another hero defeats them.

Rested XP[edit]

While your hero is inactive, he or she accumulates a pool of rested XP. Whenever you gain XP for defeating an enemy, you also gain an equal number of XP drawn from the rested XP pool.

Also, whenever your pool of rested XP isn't empty, you have an increased chance of finding special items such as costumes or hero tokens.