Inkay by Moonlight in New Pokemon Snap (NewPokemonSnap).

Inkay by Moonlight is part of the Research Requests in New Pokemon Snap.


Requested By[edit]


Heh heh! Pretty good shot, huh? I saw even more Inkay out there, too, so I bet I could get a group shot of 'em.

Research Requests[edit]

  • Start Blushing Beach
    Night Level 1
    and use the Turbo to zoom along until the NEO-ONE comes close to the beach.
  • Look out over the water to spot 2 Inkay swimming nearby.
  • Throw a Fluffruit for each.
  • Each will eat one and they will light up their glowing spots.
  • After that, look forward again.
  • Just on the other side of the stone archway, on the right-hand side, is another Inkay.
  • Throw a Fluffruit over to it for it to eat.
  • Look further out to sea to spot another Inkay who you need to throw another Fluffruit to.
  • Look forward after that and look for the floating Inkay on the left-hand side of the path.
  • Go over the rocks to the next beach section.
  • Just over the rocks, there is another pair of Inkay.
  • Give them each a Fluffruit
  • Just after that, another Inkay will swim over.
  • Give them a Fluffruit as well.
  • After that, turn back toward the rocks the NEO-ONE just came over.
  • You will find another Inkay to feed a Fluffruit.
  • Face forward again, coming up the large beach.
  • A group of Inkay will be swimming toward you.
  • As they approach, play a Melody for them.
  • The group will take a pose and then swim together.
  • After the Inkay finish this, they will gather up into a group and face toward the NEO-ONE.
  • Play the Melody again to trigger the
  • Wait a moment and they will start leaping into the air.
  • For this request, get photos of at least 4 Inkay that have leapt out of the water.