Primarina is a Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap.
When night falls, you can hear Primarina's gorgeous singing voice being carried on the ocean breeze. Primarina looks almost magical as it sings against the backdrop of a full moon.
- Beach (Night)
- Reef (Evening)
- NewPokemonSnapPrimarina2.jpg
- NewPokemonSnapPrimarina3.jpg
- NewPokemonSnapPrimarina4.jpg
3 Star - Get a photo of it blowing bubbles while on Reef (Evening)
- NewPokemonSnapPrimarina5.jpg
3 Star - Get a photo of it preparing for it Beach (Night)
- NewPokemonSnapPrimarina6.jpg
4 Star - Get a photo of it performing its concert during by throwing an Illumina Orb at the Primarina at the start of the concert
4 Star - Throw an Illumina Orb nearby it, getting it off its reef without hitting it. Then use an Illumina Orb in the water then play a Melody. Take a picture of it jumping from that