Pumpkaboo is a Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap.
This Pumpkaboo doesn't have many souls inside of it. It probably still enjoys just playing around and pulling pranks on other Pokémon.
Pumpkaboo of several different sizes live in the Lental region. I've heard it said that their size depends on the number of souls they have trapped inside them.
There must be a lot of souls inside this Pumpkaboo. It's probably really industrious, working away by the light of its own glow inside dim caves.
This Pumpkaboo is just packed full of souls! How do you suppose it managed to get so many?
- Cave (All sizes)
- NewPokemonSnapPumpkaboo.jpg
- NewPokemonSnapPumpkaboo2.jpg
- NewPokemonSnapPumpkaboo3.jpg
- NewPokemonSnapPumpkaboo4.jpg
3 Star - Hit a Pumpkaboo with an Illumina Orb to have it light its eyes. Get a photo of a Large Size illumining the way
4 Star - Get a photo of a Super-sized Pumpkaboo. To get it to appear, hit all Average size Pumpkaboo with Illumina Orbs while going through the Gemstone and Garden Ruins