Woobat is a Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap.
Woobat love dark environments. It looks like they left those heart-shaped markings on the ruin walls. They use the suction from their nostrils to stick themselves to walls while they sleep.
- Aurus Island Illumina Spot
- Ruins
- NewPokemonSnapWoobat.jpg
- NewPokemonSnapWoobat2.jpg
- NewPokemonSnapWoobat3.jpg
- NewPokemonSnapWoobat4.jpg
3 Star - Get a photo of it stuck to a wall
- NewPokemonSnapWoobat5.jpg
3 Star - Knock it off the middle pillar then play a Melody for it
- NewPokemonSnapWoobat6.jpg
4 Star - Knock it off the middle pillar then use a Scan. It will respond with its sonar