Basement Hallway in Nightmare of Decay (NightmareofDecay).

Basement Hallway is a Location, in Nightmare of Decay.


Visit 1[edit]

  • Leave the Basement Elevator Room, where you have a new hallway to explore.
  • There are a few Zombies scattered throughout this hallway, so be on guard.
  • Going to the left and around the corner there, you will find one of these Zombies.
  • Going forward, you can find a hallway going through the middle of this area.
  • Looking into the middle hall you can find another Zombie.
  • Just inside this end of the hallway is another door, a Chained Door, you will need Bolt Cutters to get inside.
  • Look to the crates ahead to the left to find a Health Drink
  • Continue through this middle hallway and look to the right.
  • This passage leads back toward the Elevator Room and has another Zombie.
  • Return to the middle hallway and go over to the Eastern door.
  • Go through the door to reach the next portion of the Hallway.
  • Inside this hallway, turn to the North to find a pair of Zombies to the North.
  • Either deal with them or run by them before they stand up.
  • Trying to open the door here will reveal it's locked.
  • Turn to the South and head to the far end of the hallway.
  • Get to the Southern end and turn to the West.
  • Go through the doorway here to find the Water Pump Room.

Visit 2[edit]

  • Having gotten the Stuck Bolt Cutters from the Water Pump Room, it's time to return to this hallway.
  • Once back inside, go around the first corner and turn to the left, taking the short hallway over to the East, getting to the main part of the Basement hallway.
  • Go forward into the hallways with the crates in front of you.
  • Just after the hallway widens, look to the North (left) to find the first Chained Door.
  • Go into your inventory to grab the Bolt Cutters.
  • Use them on the chained door to get inside the Insane Woman's Room

Visit 3[edit]
