Accelerated Fire Sigma Tech in No Man Sky (NMS)

Accelerated Fire Sigma is a Photon Cannon upgrade in No Man's Sky.


Photon Cannon Companion Unit


Photon Cannon fires at an increased rate.

Rapid fire modification that increases potential of damage, death and destruction on user's chosen targets.

Operates automatically once constructed within user's starship inventory


Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Build cheap ship upgrades before you take black holes. Going through black holes will always break one of your ship upgrades and it will need half the resources it took to build to repair it to working order. This is especially bad when it targets one of your warp drive upgrades, as they take lots of rare resources to build. Before you warp if you build lots of cheap upgrades, say Accelerated Fire Sigma or Advance Cooling Sigma, there are more upgrades to choose from so it has a lower chance of targeting your warp drive upgrades for breakage.