Mining Resources in No Man Sky (NMS)

Gathering resources is an important part of No Man's Sky.


Elements are needed to build new Technologies as well as charge depleted starship and exosuit systems, as well as repair broken ones.

Resource Rarity[edit]

Resources have different rarity, from common to very rare. Common ones are easier to find while rare ones are hard to come by.

Rarities include:

  • Common: Common elements are the easiest to find, and you will likely encounter them in most planets. Example: Carbon
  • Uncommon: A bit more scarce than common elements, but you should still be able to find plenty. Example: Zinc
  • Rare: These resources are harder to find. Example: Gold
  • Very Rare: You will have to look a long time to find these resources. Example: Teromil

Resource Groups[edit]

The various Elements are divided into different groups, as listed below (with some examples)

Certain interactions, such as charging some types of equipment or bribing aliens, may require a certain group of elements. For example, your ship's Deflector Shield can be charged with ANY elements that are Oxide.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

Resource Identifier[edit]

See screenshots below to help quickly identify the plants or formations that give specific resources: