You can find really good prices for minerals by trading with other ships in spacestation docs. Regularly get offered +98% market price for plutonium.
Blasting asteroids is the best, easiest and fastest way to collect Thanium-9. Keep stacks on hand for: Pulse Engine recharge, Life Support recharge, Mine Beam recharge… it's the miracle mineral. Screw Carbon.
Running away from sentinels is really, really easy. You never need to stay and fight if you don't want to.
Every space station has a room to the right (when facing out) that requires a v1 Atlas pass. In this room there is always a suit upgrade that will give you an extra slot to your suits inventory. You can give yourself so much more room in your inventory if you go to this room in every new system you discover.
Never pass up on Alien artifacts/monoliths/ruins etc. Learning the languages really helps with every interaction in the game

Here are some useful tricks & tips for No Man's Sky.

  • The 'dynamic resonator shuffle' is an early game way to gain credits to upgrade your suit. This works at all stages, but works best in the early game. Fly to the space station (if your starter system has one). There buy 'dynamic resonators' in quantity from either the station vendor or incoming ships. It may take more than one purchase, but eventually a ship WILL buy all of what you are carrying. Tedious at times, but after an hour or so you should have enough to get almost (if not all) of your suit slots. In later points of the game when you have all of your suit slots, this will help to generate the credits you need to make multi slot ship upgrades (if you can't be bothered to increase your ship size in one slot increments).
  • Do NOT sell your Atlas stones you get at the Atlas stations, you'll need 10 later.
  • When you first start getting into space battles, the laser will start out being more powerful than the photon cannon, but the DPS of the fully upgraded photon is much much higher than the laser, but both weapons are used around equally in battle as they both have their uses (Think of the photon cannon like being an LMG and the laser being a DMR)
  • Whilst in an Atlas station, walk around over all the lit up hemispheres on the floor, many will teach you new words. Each station teaches you words for 1 alien race at a time.
  • Crashed ships usually are better than ones you can buy off traders but will require a lot of parts to fix, make sure you pick up a few Dynamic Resonators from the Galactic trade terminals to fix warpdrives.
  • Don't worry too much about Sentinels unless you're out in the open. Going into a building will make them call off their hunt. The level 5 Sentinel walkers can be destroyed with 1 grenade if you have a +3 to grenade power mod.
  • If you point your crosshairs at a point of interest whilst in space and engage your pulse drive, it'll automatically lock onto that marker and take you to it, even is it's on the other side of a planet.
  • Do NOT approach water at high speed and at a 90 degree angle (straight down), you'll get stuck and your ship will take damage until you die (Maybe a bug?)
  • If you talk to an alien for 20 carbon after you've already talked to them, most of the time they'll either recharge your shields/health or give you a small amount of credits etc. Sometimes they'll offer to teach you a new word from their language which can be really valuable. Edit: It give you the option to learn a word every other time you talk to them.
  • Never pass up on Alien artifacts/monoliths/ruins etc. Learning the languages really helps with every interaction in the game.
  • Every space station has a room to the right (when facing out) that requires a v1 Atlas pass. In this room there is always a suit upgrade that will give you an extra slot to your suits inventory. You can give yourself so much more room in your inventory if you go to this room in every new system you discover.
  • Steel doors into locked buildings can be shot at to break them but that alerts the Sentinels, if you have grenades 1 or 2 of them will destroy the door without alerting any Sentinels
  • When swapping to a crashed ship, dismantle all the upgrades in your current ship before accepting for extra rare materials, they come in handy repairing or selling.
  • If you find a new ship that you don't want, you can switch to it and dismantle its upgrades, take the resulting products, and switch back
  • Rather than recharge your hazard protection, you can just dig a hole in the ground with grenades.
  • Gorgeous planets with neat life are not rich in minerals. But they are fun to fly around in your ship, grabbing suit upgrades and the like. After a bit of touristing though, these planets should be explored on ship.
  • Running away from sentinels is really, really easy. You never need to stay and fight if you don't want to.
  • You can't crash into a planet. Feel free to barrel into it at it full speed.
  • In space stations you can jetpack to those doors up the stairs, even with no jetpack upgrades.
  • Emeril routinely trades for a good amount of units, so far at a better rate than any other semi-common mineral (both pre- and post-patch) everywhere I've been. It can be found as green crystals as well as large greenish-gold round deposits. Take the time to collect – the large deposits can net an easy 400-500 shards, and on average about $140K. If you see it, take a moment to grab it!
  • Large Emeril deposits can also be seen from your ship. If you find one large deposit you'll likely find more, so just cruise slow and keep an eye out for them, if you need cash and have some farm time.
  • The more expensive your inventory, the higher the chance you will be scanned and attacked by pirates on returning to orbit. So maybe don't go back to the space station for trading it in – cruise around the planet for a large Trading Post or a good-sized base, both will have a trading interface.
  • Suit upgrade kiosks are scattered around planets. From low altitude they look like hexagonal phone booths. Bring money.
  • Always have a full stack of Plutonium on your ship. Take a few seconds to keep it topped up. You'll be happy when you land on an Extreme Hazard planet in the middle of a storm, literally melting your Hazard protection, and oh look there's literally no Plutonium on this planet, with high gravity requiring your Launch Thrusters to take off – which require Plutonium to operate.
  • Shielding Shards and Plates are not worth your inventory space. You're better off keeping a full stack of Zinc on you – it takes up one slot and is good for a few full recharges of your Hazard protection.
  • Blasting asteroids is the best, easiest and fastest way to collect Thanium-9. Keep stacks on hand for: Pulse Engine recharge, Life Support recharge, Mine Beam recharge… it's the miracle mineral. Screw Carbon.
  • Short on stupid Carbon and need to talk to (or give it to) an alien at a base? Scan the decorative potted plants, they're good for around 10 Carbon each.
  • If you're mining minerals like a crazy person, keep an eye on your wanted bar. If you get sentinel attention it will start to flash, stop mining as soon as you see this and after a few seconds it will stop. You can now continue harvesting like crazy and you'll never get a wanted level
  • You can find really good prices for minerals by trading with other ships in spacestation docs. Regularly get offered +98% market price for plutonium.
  • Your exosuit can stack minerals up to 250 per slot but the ship slots stack them to 500
  • Lots of unmarked points of interest are visible from your ship, especially tall/large buildings or suspiciously round crater formations. To get a better view of these things when cruising to your next marked point of interest, fly upside-down and look up. You can see what you're passing over much better this way.
  • By sprinting, then meleeing, and holding the jetpack button right after you melee, you can go 5 times as fast. No more sprinting like a turtle!!
  • You can analyze new things and collect minerals/fire while zoomed in. Get a decent scanner and you can keep your supplies topped up without roaming too far from your ship through pinpoint collection.
  • Pulse Engine: You don't need to let off the pulse engine early when approaching a planet or station. It will automatically cut off based on proximity. However, your next-fastest speed is still quite speedy. If you come in hot towards a station and you're not aimed right at the entrance, you will hit it. The damage is minor, but it can throw off your orientation and make it difficult to get inside. Meanwhile, it is impossible to hit a planet, though you may encounter some weird landing site situations.
  • Picking a landing site: When you're ready to touch down, hit your left trigger to make sure that you are moving as slowly as possible first. This will help you avoid over-shooting your target. Also, as soon as you land, do a 360 with your analysis visor to make sure that you're not about to get jumped by hostile wildlife.
  • Getting rid of pirates: If I just keep boosting away and barrel rolling (rotate with the shoulder buttons), they eventually lose interest. You might need a slight spiral to reduce incoming damage, but you can lose sight of your destination this way.
  • Pressing Triangle will switch between the mining laser and the boltcaster on your multi-tool, as well as the laser and photon cannon on your ship. (I kept building and dismantling the boltcaster... I am not a smart man)
  • Get an AtlasPass V1 as soon as you can. The locked door on each space station has a suit upgrade to gain valuable inventory slots, and the locked containers on planets often have warp cell components. (People keep asking how: Follow the path of Atlas, head toward Atlas Interfaces, and eventually you'll stumble upon it.)
  • If you're on the surface and scan a landmark on the far side of a planet, it's often faster to fly into space and pulse drive around it.
  • I used to keep a stack of carbon so that I could interact with aliens. This is unnecessary as the potted plants in any building/station will provide 20-40 carbon.
  • If you don't feel like fighting or have low health, it's faster to just destroy the door and run in. The sentinels will leave you alone once you're inside. As /u/stuntmonkey420 pointed out, grenades are best for destroying the door.
  • The smaller asteroids seem to always have Thanium9. The larger ones (that you take chunks out of) have rarer metals like copper and iridium. It also seems like there are only one or two types of "rare" metal asteroids per system. One system I was in only had copper in the big asteroids. Another had iridium and iron. So if you're not finding the one you need, you may need to jump systems.
  • Stockpile all the zinc and heridium you find. Zinc seems to be my bottleneck when crafting hyperdrive fuel, and I can never seem to find a heridium spire when I need one.
  • If an alien wants a resource you don't have, you can back out of the conversation with Circle and come back when you have it. Fixed this tip: As some pointed out, sometimes a common resource is wanted rather than a superior one. You should try to figure it out from what the alien is saying (this gets easier as you learn more words).
  • Before you warp to a new system, land on a planet or station to save your progress (you can just hop out of your ship and get back in). Twice I've crashed the game while warping, and lost 5 minutes of progress and items. It's a minor set-back but annoying and always at the worst time. I hope they fix whatever is causing the crash.
  • An easy way to make some cash is to find a station where Thanium9 is in demand (the red/green numbers next to items in the store tell you if the price is below/above the galactic average) and go asteroid mining.
  • If you can't find the entrance to a space station, keep flying toward its HUD indicator. It's situated right above the entrance. (I flew around one for a few minutes until I figured this out)
  • The entrance to a space station always faces the planet it's nearest to.
  • When destroying the door on an Operations center or whatever, use grenades instead of your bolt caster.
  • If you upgrade your Multitool with the Railgun attachment, it can destroy the facility doors, and the sentinels, at very high rate. No need for a boltcaster.
  • To get control of your ship faster after warping or going through a Black Hole press the MAP button, let the stats for the current system load and then back out. It should get rid of the letterboxed black bars and you should now have full control. Very useful if you get ambushed.