Rumbald from Pillars of Eternity ("Project Eternity")

Rumbald is an NPC in Pillars of Eternity.

Can be found at Dyrford Village, standing in his Farm, southeast of Dyrford Mill and south of Dracogen Inn


A man paces angrily in front of a wrecked animal pen, his sun-weathered face twisted with ire.

He's so wrapped up in his fury that he doesn't seem to notice you.


Dyrford Village
Dyrford Village
Rumbald's Farm
Rumbald's Farm


A farmer stands in his Farm, tending to his pigs.

He looks distressed, something must be on his mind. Perhaps you can help him?

Related Quests and Tasks[edit]

A Farmer's Plight
A Farmer's Plight

Related NPCs[edit]





  • "Damn Galwain for monsters like that, and damn the rest of the Gods, too!"
  • "Galawain's slobbering beasts! Blazing, bloody Effigy! Thrice-damned Salty Wench and her soggy..."
  • "A fat lot of good they've done me so far! Just look at this mess - my pen ruined and all but a few measly runts gone!"
  • "But these pigs are my livelihood! What am I supposed to do now?"
  • "Wife's always telling me to mind my temper. Just breathe deep and count to ten..." He sighs.
  • "An ogre moved into the area not long ago. Folk had been seeing glimpses and tracks out in the wood, but it seemed to be staying away from town. Or so we all thought until it made off with my pigs. Now, everyone's afraid it's going to develop a taste for kith. If it hasn't already."
  • "What else would have destroyed my pen and made off with my herd? And at the same time the rest of the village is seeing a ten-foot monster in the forest."
  • "I know it's too late to get my pigs back. But it'd set my mind at ease to see that thing's head shorn from its neck. In fact, you bring its ugly pate to me, and I'll trade you for something that's of less use to a farmer like me than to a... rowdy-looking sort like yourself."
  • "It's the same as any other, I'm sure. A big, ugly son of a bitch with a nasty temper and an appetite to match. Trygil could tell you more. He claims to have seen it in the wood. You can find him in his shop, right by the broken tower."




