This is a 9 part Special Research quest given to you by the Professor.
The reward for completing this quest is Meltan.
Step 1[edit]
- Spin 5 PokeStops or Gyms
XP: 500
- Catch 10 Pokemon
XP: 500
- Transfer 5 Pokemon
XP: 500
- Rewards:
Step 2[edit]
- Earn 1 Candies walking with your buddy.
1000 XP
- Make 10 Great Throws
1000 XP
- Hatch 3 Eggs
1000 XP
- Rewards
Step 3[edit]
- Catch a Ditto
1000 XP
- Win 2 Gym Battles
1000 XP
- Hatch 3 Eggs
1000 XP
- Rewards
Step 4[edit]
- Catch 5 Steel-Type Pokemon
? XP
- Catch 5 Electric-Type Pokemon
? XP
- Earn 5 Candies walking your buddy
? XP
- Rewards
- PokemonGoPinapBerry.jpg
Step 5[edit]
- Evolve a Grimer.
?? XP
?? XP
- Make 20 Great Throws
?? XP
- Rewards
Step 6[edit]
- Evolve a Magnemite.
?? XP
- Catch 5 Exeggcute.
?? XP
- Battle in 10 raids
?? XP
- Rewards
- PokemonGoSilverPinapBerry.jpg
Step 7[edit]
- Evolve a Drowzee.
?? XP
- Catch 1 Cubone.
?? XP
- Evolve a Scyther
?? XP
- Rewards
Step 8[edit]
?? XP
?? XP
- Catch an Aerodactyl
?? XP
- Rewards
- PokemonGoStarPiece.jpg
Step 9[edit]
- Claim rewards
- Rewards
- PokemonGoSuperIncubator.jpg