Your Town Hall is a form of local Government in SimCity V

Government Stats[edit]

The Government menu’s Info tab displays information on your taxes and Approval Rating. You can also view how many Simoleons per hour your government is costing.


As the mayor, you have a hand in both certainties of life—death and taxes. But it’s the latter that you have direct control over. Taxes are another form of income that can help boost your city’s growth. But keep taxes too high for too long, and the residents may leave your town in droves. Additionally, high-wealth Sims are more averse to high taxes than low- and medium-wealth Sims. Access the Budget Panel to adjust the city’s tax income. Upgrade your Town Hall or City Hall to increase your control over taxes.

Town Hall[edit]

Adjust the overall tax percentage rate.

City Hall[edit]

Upgrade to a City Hall to split up taxes between Residential, Commercial, and Industrial zones.


Add this module to your city hall to increase your tax options. of Finance Within each zone, taxes are divided into three wealth classes (low, medium, or high).

Government Maps[edit]

While on the Government menu, use the Data Maps tab to switch between different data layers.


View population data and examine where Sims are located.


View which buildings are happy and check out what areas need improvements.


Find out which of the buildings you placed are costing you the most.

Government Buildings[edit]

Government Buildings increase nearby land value.