This page will gather and track all sources for Promo codes for Skyforge
To redeem, go to and click on "Redeem Promo Code" (see screenshot)
Promo codes can give you various bonuses including Premium Status, items, and more.
- Premium Account codes are usually first come, first serve, and run out quickly. So bookmark this page and check often.
- Please help update this page by adding new promotions or updating the status of existing ones
- Please enter recent promotions on top.
- Please support the game by buying Argents sometimes!
- Redeeming the code places a "Chest for a Promo Code" in your bag/inventory. Open this chest to claim your rewards.
- Codes can only be redeemed ONCE per reward type. This means that they DO NOT STACK on the same account, so please claim only one and leave some for other players.
Promo Codes[edit]
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) | Giveaway | Number of Keys | Status | Notes | Remarks |
2016/08/31 | Alienware Skyforge Starter Booster Pack Key Giveaway | 3000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 28 days Premium Account, 3000 Spark Replicators, Scout Researcher Costume. | Must register an account on Alienware Arena. |
2016/06/03 | Alienware Skyforge Starter Pack Key Giveaway | 10000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 30 days Premium Account, one free class unlock (or 6000 Argents if all already unlocked), permanent Fury Super Glider mount (or 18000 victor's medals if already owned). | Must register an account on Alienware Arena. |
2015/09/13 | Skyforge Gift Pack Giveaway | 2000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount | |
2015/09/13 | Skyforge Exclusive Gift Pack Giveaway | 2000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount | 100 Keys are given out everyday at 8PM PST for 20 days until Sep 28th |
2015/09/11 | Skyforge Gift Pack Giveaway | 10,000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/08/12 | Skyforge Beginner's Pack Giveaway | 1500 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/08/12 | Skyforge Gift Pack Giveaway | 1500 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/08/06 | Skyforge Gift Pack Raffle | 200 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/08/05 | Skyforge Gift Pack Raffle | 4000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/08/04 | Skyforge Gift Pack Giveaway | 5000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/08/03 | 800 Skyforge Gift Packs | 800 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/08/03 | Skyforge Gift Pack Giveaway | 10,000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/07/31 | 5000 Skyforge Beginner Packs | 5,000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/07/30 | 3000 Skyforge Beginner Packs | 3,000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/07/28 | 950 Skyforge Gift Pack Giveaway | 950 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/07/28 | Skyforge 14 days Premium Account Raffle Giveaway | 5,000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/07/27 | Skyforge 14 day premium- | 1,000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/07/27 | 14-Days Premium Access & Bonus Code | 3,000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/07/24 | Skyforge Premium Gift Raffle | 6,000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/07/24 | 5000 Premium Packs | 5,000 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount. | |
2015/07/24 | 200 Premium Codes | 200 | EXPIRED | Chest: 14 days Premium Account, 10,000 Celestial Threads, 1 hour of mount mimimi. |