Vampire Masquerading as a Visiting Advisor in the quest "Hide and Seek"

Hide and Seek is a side quest in Skyrim: Dawnguard.

Hide and Seek is only available to the Dawnguards faction.

Starting Location[edit]

Hide and Seek starts in Fort Dawnguard

Quest Giver[edit]

Hide and Seek is assigned by Gunmar.


Gunmar has sent me to (Random Town). I am to find and kill the vampire masquerading as a Visiting Advisor. I am to do so discreetly as the law is unaware of the thread and will assume I have murdered a citizen.

Instead of Visiting Advisor it could also be:

Traveling Pilgrim

Traveling Bard

Traveling Merchant


Discreetly kill the target.


There are several ways you can complete this quest:[1]

  • Persuade the target to come with you, then kill him in discreet location
  • Wait for target to be in a place where noone sees, then kill it.
  • Kill target in Werewolf form so you won't be recognized
  • If in Thieve's Guild or Thane you can use dialog option to have the guards look the other way after you have killed him
  • Kill him in plain sight and accept the bounty

Return to Gunmar in Fort Dawnguard after you are done..

Possible Destinations[edit]

Dragon Bridge






Random item


  1. Skyrim Dawnguard Side Quests Walkthrough: Hide and Seek