Skyrim Dawnguard: Dexion Evicus, a Moth Priest in Skyrim. Goes blind after reading Serana's Elder Scroll (Sun)

Moth Priests are special priests trained to read Elder Scrolls.

They are usually found in the White Gold Tower in the Imperial City, but sometimes they travel to distant places looking for Elder Scrolls.[1]

In Skyrim: Dawnguard, the protagonist seeks the help of Dexion Evicus to help decipher some Elder Scrolls.

Moth Priests take a long time to prepare for a reading. If they do not prepare enough, they risk running blind after reading the scroll, as Dexion did in Skyrim.

The original Moth Priests used a technique involving attracting moths in the Ancestor Glade to help decipher the Elder Scrolls


  1. Skyrim Dawnguard Walkthrough: Moth Priest Location