Saarthal Pillar Puzzle

The Saarthal Pillar Puzzle Puzzle


The way forward is barred by a levered gate. If the puzzle is not solved correctly then the person attempting to move forward will be subject to an arrow trap. There is a lever and 3 Pillars. All the pillars are found along the Southern Wall. Above each is a small Glyph like those shown on the pillar.


Pillar Glyphs:








Match the Stone Pillars to the smaller image shown above them: The first pillar encountered to the North should be a Whale. The second one in the Southern same part of the room needs to be a Hawk Glyph.

Head into the middle part of the room. The third pillar (to the North) should have Snake Glyph displayed. The Fourth Pillar (to the South) should have a Hawk Glyph.

Head to the far eastern portion of the room. The Fifth pillar, on the Northern side, should have a Hawk Glyph. The one on the Southern side should be showing a Whale Glyph

To complete the puzzle, pull the raised lever between the final 2 pillars.