"Wait for a Message from Ralis" is an objective in the side quest "Unearthed" in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn.
Head back to Raven Rock and wait for a day once again. Then travel to Kolbjorn Barrow and then return to Raven Rock and wait 2 days for the courier to show up. This can take a few attempts because of how things can work out. Read the letter Letter from Ralis Sedarys 2
- Fund the excavation of Kolbjorn Barrow
- Wait for a message from Ralis
- Visit the Kolbjorn Barrow Excavation
- Clear the Draugr from Kolbjorn Barrow
- Find a way deeper into the Barrow
- Speak to Ralis
- Fund the next phase of the excavation
- Wait for a message from Ralis
- Return to Kolbjorn Barrow
- Clear the Draugr from Kolbjorn Barrow
- Search from the missing miners
- Speak to Ralis
- Fund the next phase of the excavation
- Wait for a message from Ralis
- Return to Kolbjorn Barrow
- Clear the Draugr from Kolbjorn Barrow
- Speak to Ralis
- Fund the next phase of the excavation
- Wait for a message from Ralis
- Return to Kolbjorn Barrow
- Locate Ralis
- Defeat Ahzidal
- Confront Ralis