Lil' Cactus in Trials of Mana.

Lil' Cactus is a person/Collectible in Trials of Mana.


A randomly appearing Sentient Cactus that appears in specific locations.

  • Finding Lil' Cactus will unlock bonuses by finding them.
  • Can be found 50 times throughout the whole of Trials of Mana
  • There are 3 final dungeons, so sightings 48 & 49 will have a listing for each of the dungeons.



Sights Prize
5 View undiscovered treasure boxes
10 Get a 10% Discount at shops
15 Occasional 2x boost to XP
20 time needed to escape from battle is halved
25 Rest at inns for free of charge and a 20% discount at shops.
30 More items available and resetting Training Points 50% off at the Night Market
35 View undiscovered treasure boxes and Li'l Cactus sightings
40 Occasionally 3x boost to XP
45 Higher chance of good yields from seeds
50 Obtain Li'l Cactus Ring and gain the Li'l Cactus Chain Ability
