Find and burn the bodies lying in pits on the battlefield in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

"Find and burn the bodies lying in pits on the battlefield" is a quest objective in the sidequest "Funeral Pyres" in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


A Priest of Eternal Fire has hired Geralt to burn bodies lying in Pits since they are attracting corpse eaters and disease.

The Priest provided Geralt with Holy Oils to make sure the bodies are well incinerated


Funeral Pyres
Funeral Pyres




Mass Graves
Mass Graves


Titus Gielas
Titus Gielas



Quest Items[edit]

Holy Oil
Holy Oil


Travel to the three pits. See maps below for exact locations.

Each of the pits will have enemies near them, most likely Ghouls and/or Rotfiends. Clear the enemies before proceeding to ignite the pits.

Interact with the pit (or the bodies in the pit) to pour Holy Oil on it. Then, Stand outside (NOT INSIDE) the pit, and cast Igni to ignite it.

In the third pit, you will see a person under attack. This is Titus Gielas, a Fisstech dealer. Talk to him and hear his story. When given the dialog option, it is recommended you do NOT choose "Nonsense", since that would limit the reward you will get later. If Titus dies, you also will not have the opportunity to get a better reward, so be sure to rescue him on time and not let the ghouls kill him.

After you speak to Titus Gielas (Assuming you saved him) or if you did not, go back to the priest of Eternal Fire. Note that he has moved to a new location, near the bridge leading to Novigrad.


Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • When you ignite the pits, be sure to do so from a safe distance. If you ignite them from too close (or stand in them while igniting), Geralt will take fire damage and might even die if you were low on health.
  • Make sure you are not targeting any other target when using Igni to ignite the pits.


Priest: Well, witcher? Have you completed your task?

Geralt: Why'd you priests take an interest in the fallen so late?

Priest: The church of the Eternal Fire's first duty is to the living. You've no notion of the work we did just after the battle. The wounded needed tending, refugees, pastoral care. We had sermons to deliver, donations to collect...

Geralt: Relieved to hear it. What would people've done without you?

Funeral Pyres Quest[edit]