Return to the priest of the Eternal Fire in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

"Return to the priest of the Eternal Fire" is a quest objective in the sidequest "Funeral Pyres" in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


You were hired by a Priest of Eternal Fire to incinerate bodies lying in Pits to rid the area of corpse eaters and disease.

You used Holy Oils to incinerate everything thoroughly.

Now it's time to go back to the Priest of Eternal Fire and claim your reward


Funeral Pyres
Funeral Pyres




Titus Gielas
Titus Gielas


Talk to the Priest.

If you saved Titus Gielas who told you about the church's real involvement, then the priest will offer to bribe you. You can accept the bribe (60 crowns) or reject the bribe (in which case you will have to fight the priest and the guards). If you kill them you can loot 200 coins from the priest (which is more than what he would've bribed you)

If Titus died or you never believed his story, the priest gives you a small reward (20 crowns) for burning the pits.

Either way, the quest concludes.

See summary below:

Reward summary[edit]

Action Reward
Titus Gielas died or you never believed him 20 crowns
Accept bribe 60 crowns
Reject bribe 200 crowns



Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Note that the Priest has moved. He is no longer at the shrine west of Mulbrydale where you got the quest, but is now near the bridge leading to Novigrad
  • If you end up fighting the priest and his guards, kill the priest first since he has low armor and will die quickly.


Exact dialog will vary depending on your choices:

Geralt: So... Took care of the graves. Interesting, acually. One of the corpses proved to be quite, well, alive. And pretty talkative.

Priest: What do you mean?

Geralt: Fisstech dealer, one of'em survived. Had an awfully interesting story to tell.

Priest: Hmm... intruiguing. I would purchase this story from you. For all time. Exclusively.

Geralt: Deal

Priest: Take this and get out of my sight. (60 crowns, 45 xp)

Geralt: You can hire me. But you sure as hell can't buy me.

Priest: Ah, an Impasse. Well then, it wil be cheapest to kill you. Three on one. Surely we'll manage - witcher or not! Take him! (200 crowns, 45 xp)

Geralt: Tended to the corpses in the mass graves. Incinerated 'em all.

Priest: Hm, have you any proof?

Geralt: Proof? Whaddaya want, a fistful of ashes? If you don't believe me, take a stroll across the battlefield, see for yourself. You're a man of the cloth - ghouls and graveirs shouldnt bother you.

Priest: My, my, irritable, aren't we. No reason. You must practice the virtue of patience, my son. Take this and go in peace.

Funeral Pyres Quest[edit]