ARK Survival Evolved: All Kibble Recipes

From Orcz
Revision as of 02:30, 12 September 2015 by Caldarius (Talk | contribs) (Dino's Favorite Food)

Kibble Recipe in ARK: Survival Evolved

This page will list all of the Kibble recipes in ARK: Survival Evolved

(credit goes to shadowbannedkiwi from reddit for Kibble Ingredients and ballsymcnutt from Steam for Dinosaur's favorites)


  • See general Kibble Recipe in the section "Kibble Recipe (General)"
  • Different types of Kibbles use different ingredients. See "Specific Kibble Ingredients" for which ingredient is required for which kibble
  • Different dinos have different favorite foods. See section "Dino's Favorite Food" and find the pic of your dino to see what kibble it likes.

Kibble Recipe (General)

Rockwell Recipes - Egg Based

This recipe needs to be tweaked on a per-egg basis, but this will make a balanced pet food that can be eaten by any tamed creature. A long cooking time removes excess water which means this will last a long time on the shelf. You will need to test the egg-meat-vegetable combinations.

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Cooked/Jerked meat
  • 1 Vegetable
  • 2 Mejoberries
  • 3 Fibre (Aids digestion)
  • Submerge in water
  • Cook in a CookingPot


Specific Kibble Ingredients

Dino's Favorite Food

Strategy Guide/Tips

  • Parasaur, Pulmanoscorpius,Dodo,Dilo and Phiomia have no favorite kibble
  • dinosaur has to go down by 80 hunger before it eats the prefered kibble.

Kibble Quick Reference Table

Kibble Meat Vegetable Dino's favorite for
Ankylo Kibble Prime Meat Jerky Savoroot Carnotaurus
Argentavis Kibble Prime Meat Jerky Citronal Spinosaurus
Bronto Kibble Cooked Meat Jerky Rockarrot Sabertooth Tiger
Carbonemys Kibble Prime Meat Jerky Rockarrot Brontosaurus
Carnotaurus Kibble Cooked Meat Savaroot Triceratops
Dilophosaur Kibble Cooked Meat Jerky Citronal Ankylosaurus/Doedicurus/Pachy
Dodo Kibble Cooked Meat Rockarrot Ichthy/Pteranodon/Mesopithecus
Parasaur Kibble Cooked Meat Longrass Raptor
Pteranodon Kibble Cooked Meat Jerky Rockarrot Carbonemys
Raptor Kibble Cooked Meat Jerky Longrass Mammoth
Sarco Kibble Cooked Meat Jerky Rockarrot Stego
Pluminoscorpius Kibble Prime Meat Jerky Longrass T-Rex
Stegosaurus Kibble Prime Meat Jerky Citronal Argentavis
Spinosaur Kibble Prime Meat Jerky Savoroot Megalodon
Triceratops Kibble Cooked Meat Jerky Savoroot Sarco
Titanboa Kibble Cooked Meat Jerky Longrass Gigantopithecus
Rex Kibble Prime Meat Jerky Longrass Plesiosaur