Assassin's Creed III: Priest Homestead Mission Finding his Flock

From Orcz
Completing the Homestead Quest "Finding his Flock" unlocks the Priest and this church.

Finding his Flock is a Homestead Mission (Priest) in Assassin's Creed III


Father Timothy

Artisan Type


Unlocks Artisan Level

Level 1

Unlocks Building

Davenport Homestead Church

Sequence Available

Sequence 09

Starting Location

Mile's End Inn in the Davenport Homestead

How to Start Homestead Priest Mission

Go to the Mile's End Inn and there will be a cutscene.




Raise 1000 Pounds to build a Church


This mission is very easy. Talk to Father Timothy after the cutscene and give him 1,000 Pounds to complete this Homestead Priest Mission


Father Timothy: (Walks into inn): Excuse me, might I impose upon the kindness in your heart to give bed and board to a weary traveler?

Oliver: Oh, Traveler from where?

Father Timothy: Across an ocean. London

Drunk Patron: English? (laughing)

Father Timothy: Rest assured, I'm not the King's man. (turns to Corrine) A great kindness. Bless You.

Patron: We worked hard for what we have, old man. What is it you do exactly?

Father Timothy: I wish to provide god for those who seek his salvation, not spoon feed his words for those who already have their own. An oblique not shared by the monarchy.

Patron: But lord knows some of us have things to confess

Corrine: Ollie and I have been missing our Sunday Mass

Patron: I'd like to read the bible. I'm sure if we all pitched in we could build a church, if you'd be our pastor. Connor?

Connor: Welcome minister...

Timothy: Father. Father Timothy. The sun shines upon us, always. This will build a fine place of worship. I am most grateful