Juicy Jack-o-Cannon is a rare Shotgun Gun in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)

Juicy Jack o'Cannon is a blue unique Shotgun in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Drops from Undeadlift (50% chance) at the Regolith Range during the Bloody Harvest Celebration Halloween event.

Stats for sample level 50 Juicy Jack-o'- Cannon.

Main Attributes

Rarity: Blue (Rare)

Type: Shotgun

Level Requirement: 50

Manufacturer: Torgue

Value: $22,105

Weapon Stats

Damage: 8833

Accuracy: 74.0

Fire Rate: 0.8

Reload Speed: 3.2

Magazine Size: 10

Status Effects and Other Bonuses

"Your body lies beaten, battered and broken." (red text effect)

+50% Critical Hit Damage

Consumes 2 ammo per shot

Deals bonus explosive damage

Other variants