Call of Duty WW2: Counter Recon Aircraft

From Orcz
Revision as of 11:37, 17 November 2017 by Kazzdi (Talk | contribs) (Strategy Guide/Tips)

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The Counter Recon Aircraft Scorestreak in Call of Duty: World War 2.

The Counter Recon Aircraft is one of the Scorestreaks (Killstreaks) in CoD: WW2.


A fighter that destroys an enemy Recon Aircraft or Counter Recon Aircraft. or blocks enemy Recon Aircraft.


Attribute Value
Unlocked First Sergeant II - Rank 30
Points 525
Effect Counter-Recon



Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • It shoots down the aircraft if they call any in
  • Counter Recon Aircraft can be used right away to prevent enemies from calling Recon Aircraft. or saved to destroy one after it's been called in.

All Scorestreaks[edit]