The STG-44 Rifle in Call of Duty: World War 2.

The STG 44 is a rifle in CoD: WW2.


Standard issue STG44

Automatic rifle with modest damage and low recoil.


Attribute Value
Damage 6
Range 5
Accuracy 6
Fire Rate 8
Capacity 30/90


Attachment Name Description
Lens Sight Lens Sight Scope.
Quickdraw Aim down sight faster.
Grip Reduces Recoil when Aiming Down Sight.
Reflex Sight Basic reflex sight with clear view.
High Caliber Increases head shot damage.
Steady Aim Better accuracy when firing from hip.
Full Metal Jacket Increase damage through surfaces. Extra damage against streaks.
4x Optic 4x Enhanced Zoom.
Rapid Fire Increases weapon fire rate
Extended Mag Magazine Size is Increased.
Advanced Rifling Increases Damage falloff range.



Strategy Guide/Tips

All Rifles