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Outfits in Fortnite Battle Royale.

There are several ways to get more outfits:

  • Buy outfits from the Item Shop using Vbucks. Outfits rotate daily, so if you don't see the outfit you want in the shop you can wait until it comes back into rotation.
  • Earn Outfits by advancing tiers in the Battle Pass. Note that once a season has ended, the rewards for that season are no longer obtainable.
  • From time to time there may be various promos that let you get additional outfits, sometimes for free. For example, the Twitch Prime Pack includes an Epic and a Legendary outfit.

Item Shop


All Legendary outfits are priced at 2000 V-bucks.


All Epic outfits are priced at 1500 V-bucks.


All Rare outfits are priced at 1200 V-bucks.


All Uncommon outfits are priced at 800 V-bucks.


Battle Pass

Season Shop

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

Chapter 2, Season 2

Secret Skin

Starter Packs

Each starter pack costs $4.99 USD each.

Bundle Packs

Each bundles costs $19.99 USD.

Frozen Legends Pack

Lava Legends Pack

Caped Crusader Pack

Challenge Packs

Each challenge pack costs $9.99 USD.


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