The Ascendant Anchors found in the Tangled Shore during the Season of the Lost.
The Ascendant Anchors that can be found throughout the Tangled Shore.
- Each of the Ascendant Anchors will give Parallax Trajectory.
Tangled Shore Ascendant Anchors
Thieves' Landing
Landing Zone
- From the Landing Zone, turn over to the left and look to the rocks.
- Jump up into the rocks, past the red tarp hanging over the floor.
- On the rocks, you will find the first Ascendant Anchor.
- Collect the anchor for the Parallax Trajectory.
Landing Zone Toward Soriks's Cut
- From the Landing Zone, head forward, and go around the corner to the left.
- Continue along this rock and onto the rocks along the roadside.
- You will find the Ascendant Anchor on the rocks here just past the corner.
Entrance of Spider's Hideout
- From the Landing Zone, head across the way.
- As you reach the walkway toward Spider's Hideout, look to the left.
- Just to the left of Spider's Symbol here is a the Ascendant Anchor.
Across from the Empty Tank
- From the landing zone, go across to the far buildings, nearby the entrance to the Empty Tank Lost Sector.
- Jump from the platform in front of the entrance over onto the building.
- Get onto the main roof of the tall building here.
- Just next to the spire, you will find the Ascendant Anchor.
North of the entrance to Jetsam of Saturn
- Head across Thieves' Landing, toward the entrance of Jetsam of Saturn.
- There is a large closed gate on the left-hand side of this area, with a Fallen Machine nearby it.
- Look just past it to find the Ascendant Anchor outside the archway.
South of the entrance to Jetsam of Saturn
- Go to the Southern side of the path leading toward the entrance to Jetsam of Saturn.
- There is a metal walkway hanging over the void below, with 2 cranes hanging their arms over the ledge.
- Go to the far Eastern end of it, where the rocks are.
- Here, you will find the Ascendant Anchor.
Bridge toward Four-Horn Gulch
- From the Eastern end of Thieves' Landing, turn toward the bridge leading toward Four-Horn Gulch.
- Go just across the bridge, looking to the building to the left of the bridge's foot.
- At the foot of the bridge, go behind the building to the left and along the narrow lead behind it.
- Here, you will find the next Ascendant Anchor.
South of Four-Horn Gulch entrance
- Head East toward the entrance of Four-Horn Gulch.
- Instead of entering the building with the lift up to Four-Horn Gulch, go to the South.
- Jump over the containers to the rocks behind them.
- Here, just go forward to find the Ascendant Anchor sitting on the bare rock.
Soriks's Cut
East of the Landing Zone
- From the Landing Zone, head to the East, past the tall building, toward the nearby Caged Servitor.
- Go out over to the ledge, just past the nearby rock here close to the building.
- Along the ledge you will find the Ascendant Anchor.
Toward the center, heading toward Thieves' Landing
- From the landing zone, head to the South, follow the pipe overhead.
- Go to the rocks nearby the Cabal structures in the middle of this area.
- On the Eastern side of the rocks, you will find the Ascendant Anchor.
South of Path to Thieves' Landing
- Head to the South from the landing zone.
- Go to the bridge that leads to the long and winding path toward Thieves' Landing.
- Look to the rocks on the Southern side of this path to find the Ascendant Anchor.
Southern Edge of Soriks's Cut
- Get to the SOuthern edge of Soriks's Cut, nearby the path leading toward Thieves' Landing.
- Go along the edge of the area to reach the next Ascendant Anchor.
- The anchor is found behind the dome structure that the overhead piping leads toward in this section.
- Move carefully along the ledge to reach the Anchor.
East of the Turbine
- Get to the Western portion of Soriks's Cut.
- Here, you are at the base of the massive turbine that you had to climb at a point during the Forsaken campaign.
- Stay on the outside of it and go to the Eastern side of it.
- On the rocks, just outside it, you will find the Ascendant Anchor.
- The anchor sits just outside it to the East.
Inside the Turbine
- Go to the Western portion of Soriks's Cut, where you have the massive metal structure, a turbine.
- Head inside it and go over to the Northwestern side.
- Look among the feet at the base of the walls.
- Here, you can find the next Ascendant Anchor.
Near the entrance to the Boil
- Go to the Northwestern part of Soriks's Cut, where you have the Walker surrounded by acid.
- Get to the rocks on the Western side of that.
- Climb on up the rocks to find the Ascendant Anchor sitting there.
Inside the entrance to Diaviks Mine
- From the landing zone, head over to the East, toward the path leading down to the mines.
- Jump straight over the platforms and get to the entrance of the mine.
- Once there, get just inside the entrance.
- Inside the entry tunnel, look along the left-hand side to find the Ascendant Anchor.