Olympus Descent Data Point in Destiny 2: Warmind.

Olympus Descent Data Point on Mars in Destiny 2: Warmind.

Data Point 1

  • Look toward the top of the trail in Olympus Descent.
  • Toward the top, across from the rock near the top of the trail.
  • Look toward the top of the rock wall nearby.
  • Sitting in the notch at the turn, you can just barely see the Data Point.
  • Fire on it using a Kinetic weapon.

Data Point 2

  • In the Olympus Descent, go to the very first cave from the landing zone where you first touched down on Mars.
  • Continue forward along the path to the first turn before the trail begins to slope upwards.
  • Get to the left-hand side of the trail just past the massive ice pillar on the left.
  • Look into the opening there, along the left-hand side of the trail.
  • There is a ledge against the side of the trail with the data point on it.
  • Use a Void weapon to break this Data Point.

Data Point 3

  • Continue through the cave to the scannable WarSat sitting in the ground.
  • Go to the Warsat itself and look over the ledge.
  • Below the Warsat you will see the Datapoint sitting below it on the slope.
  • Use a Kinetic Weapon to break the Data Point to collect it.