Sails of the Shipstealer (Week 5) during Season of Plunder.

Sails of the Shipstealer Quest during Season of Plunder.


Travel to the HELM

A message awaits you near the Star Chart in the HELM

  • The Star Chart has a message from Mithrax waiting for you.
  • The problem is Eido has opened parley with Eramis
  • Time to get to work on collecting the newest relic from a Pirate Lord!


To find Expedition buried treasure, use Map Fragments and Treasure Coordinates to restore a Treasure Map in your Captain's Atlas.

  • Expedition Buried Treasure
  • Champions: 50
  • Time to get to work.
  • There is no lack of Champions during Master Ketchcrash, so this is the more challenging, but shorted path to complete the objective.
  • It is a lot easier to run Master Ketchcrash to complete the Champions portion of this step.
  • 1 run should take care of everything, 2 or 3 at worst.
  • Otherwise, dive into both Expedition and Ketchcrash to collect the needed supplies and defeat Champions.

Pirate Hideout: The Bully

You have located a Pirate Hideout deep in the Themis Cluster. Infiltrate the Hideout and claim the secrets it hides.

    • Launch Pirate Hideouts from the Destinations tab in the HELM.
  • Complete Pirate Hideout: Arask, the Bully.
  • At the end of the mission, you are taken to another location.


Attend the parley between Eramis, Eido, and Mithrax on the neutral asteroid base.

    • Witness the parley on the neutral asteriod base.
  • Travel to the Asteroid via the Destinations tab in the HELM.
  • We learn more of Mithrax's past, and something of Nazerac.

The Ether Tank

A message awaits you on the holoprojector at the Ether Tank in the Eliksni Quarter.

    • Visit the Ether Tank holoprojector in the Eliksni Quarter.
  • Go to the Holoprojector to get a message from Eido.
  • She has to reconcile with what she knew and what her father was.

Play Spider's Game

Spider would like to play a little game. Visit him in the Ether Tank

    • Visit Spider in the Ether Tank in the Eliksni Quarter.
  • Once again, it is time to choose any of the Engrams that Spider is offering.
  • Eido is still working with you here, providing some help with the interference that you are causing.

Check in with Spider

Discuss your reward with Spider in the Ether Tank in the Eliskni Quarter.

    • Check in with Spider in the Ether Tank.
  • Just finish talking with Spider.
  • He isn't that likely to be running a clean game, so Eido helping is just leveling the field.
  • Be sure to head to the HELM and place the Relic on the table across from the Star Chart.

Video Walkthrough

[ Sails of the Shipstealer Week 5 Video Walkthrough]