Tam is an NPC in Divinity: Original Sin 2

Can be found close to the starting area at the Fort Joy Beach.


Tam is a kid that appears to be stranded as an island as a prisoner as well. No sign of parents.


Fort Joy Beach
Fort Joy Beach

Near statue.


  • Narrator - The child has a small mirror in his hands. He holds it up at angles, inspecting his eyes, his chin, the crown of his head. He spots you and his arms snap to his sides.
  • Tam - I'm not supposed to talk to elves.
    • [SEBILLE] Tell him it's lizards he ought to worry about... and his own kind besides
      • Pa told me elves AND lizards AND dwarves bring bad guys. Void gus. That's right, isn't it?
        • Tell him it's believed that Source attracts Voidwoken, but that all the races use Source.
        • Say you suppose it is, though it isn't so simple as that.
          • Tam - I guess I'm a Sourcerer too. That's why I'm here, right? And you too.
          • Narrator - The child screws up his face and looks at you, hard. He lifts his mirror to his nose, closes one eye, and looks at himself again.
          • Tam - I don't see any Source on you or me. I guess they're wrong. Or crazy!
            • Tell him they may well be wrong and crazy
            • Ask the child why he's out here alone
              • No one cares where I go. They know I can't leave the island. It's nicer out here than inside, anyway.
                • Ask him if his parents know where he is
                  • The're gone know. The magisters took them already. I guess now theyr're cured? And maybe they're waiting for me back at home.
                • Say it isn't safe out here, your ship was attacked by Voidwoken not far off this shore
                  • I saw. I guess a lot of people died. Bur you didn't.
                    • Ask him why he doesn't seem scared
                      • Tam - I guess I am. But it's just normal to be scared. Nowhere isn't scary.
                    • Say you survived the Voidwoken attack by the skin of your teeth. He should really find somewhere safer to go.
                      • Tam - There isn't anywhere safer. That's what I mean. You'll see. You can stay out here with me if you want. You don’t seem that scary.
                    • Take your leave
                • Take your leave.
            • Tell the child he should run along; it isn't safe out here.
    • [ELF] Ask him why not; What has he heard about your kind?
    • Tell the kid to keep to himself, then
    • Take your leave




Strategy Guide/Tips

  • Make sure to barter with Tam as he has some good items to offer.