Irien from The Elder Scrolls Online.

Irien is an NPC in The Elder Scrolls Online.


The Grave

The Spearhead (Stros M'Kai)

Dialog - Grave


My poor Jakarn! I don't want to think about what they're doing to him down there. Ho's a Prince! He doesn't belong in The Grave.

Why do they call it the grave?

It's beneath the palace and anyone thrown in dies there. Jakarn said the guards are brutal and the other prisoners are worse.

Can't he escape?

Traps, guards, and other prisoners prevent that. Jakarn said there are rows and rows of traps. And everyone down there, except for Jakarn. is a vicious murderer. No one's ever gotten out. My poor Jakarn!

You said Jakarn is a prince?

Yes. from Westtry. How I long to travel there with him. He described it as bright, beautiful, and full of life.

Aren't you worried about ruining your dress?

What kind of a question is that? My true love has been cast into a dark pit to die. If I thought I could get past the traps. I would go in after him. I can always buy another dress.

Dialog - Spearhead


What do you want?

You're sailing with us?

Of course. I'll pull my weight, unlike Jakarn.

He's not getting near another woman until I'm too old to stop him, and we Altmer live a very long time.