Talk to Narrwe, one of the quest tasks in The Root Of The Problem

"Talk to Narrwe" is a quest objective/task in the quest The Root Of The Problem in The Elder Scrolls Online


There’s a crisis at Windcatcher Plantation. Something is wrong with their Great Tree, and the locals believe it has something to do with the tree’s roots, which can be accessed from a cave below it.


The Root Of The Problem


Windcatcher Plantation - Khenarthi's Roost (Elsweyr)


Head inside the cave beneath Windcatcher Plantation. You will find an injured Naarwe. He will explain that his Kwama have escaped into this cave and have been eating at the roots. He will ask you to help round them up.



Naarwe: Been a kwama master for over a decade. I'm not afraid to admit I'm up to my neck in droppings, and I sure could use a hand getting out.

Vestige: What's the problem?

Naarwe: Ever try piloting a ship through a hurriance while your enter cargo of kwama eggs hatch adn go bug-nuts? Been there, can't recommend it.

After we wrecked, they made a kwama-line toward this cave. I came after them, but they're a bit distracted.

Vestige: Distracted? What do you mean distracted?

Naarwe: They always get surly after hatching, but these kwama are downright unsociable. I tried to stop them from chewing on those huge roots. They objected.

Bumping into a fine-looking tree trunk on my way out. Thought I was done for, but it kept walking.

Vestige: That must be the spirit attempting to heal the roots.

Naarwe: Oh? Kwama didn't take to it, whatever it was. I heard them munching on it, same as those roots.

The little ones seemed scared of it. if you can helpt he pretty tree trunk do what it needs to, I bet they'll head back this way.

Vestige: And the big ones?

Naarwe: If they'd stop eating those giant roots, they might get better… but I don't blame you if you have to put a few down to save the rest.

Just be careful. Nothing fiercer than a crazed kwama. Not even my sister-in-law.

Vestige: Goodbye.
