Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine is a collectible found in the Commonwealth of Fallout 4. These Nine unique magazines offer various perks.

Magazine Ranger Cabin[edit]


Wasteland Survival Guide: Self-Defense Secrets (Bonus: Mirelurk Style)

A hand drawn man is shown performing a hand chop and jump kick.


Permanently take 5% less damage from melee attacks.


Ranger Cabin

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Find and enter the Ranger Cabin to the South of Sanctuary.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Just inside you will find the Wasteland Survival Guide sitting on the desk nearby.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Magazine 2[edit]

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.


Wasteland Survival Guide: Guide to Diamond City.

A wanderer is shown approaching Diamond city on a path. To the sides of the path are numerous tombstones.


Diamond City is now permanently marked on your map.


Gorski Cabin

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Head inside the cabin shown.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Once inside, enter the root cellar using the trap door in the floor in the back right of the cabin.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

In the cellar, head to the North and through the first door in front of you.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Follow the corridor beyond it to the second door past it. There are a few Feral Ghouls here so be on guard for them.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Once inside this room, turn to the left. Look on the nearby desk. Sitting on the left edge of it is the Wasteland Survival Guide.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Magazine 3[edit]

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.


Wastealand Survival Guide: Hunting in the Wastes.

A Male Radstag is shown with a cartoonish look to it. There are a few trees and a pair of eyes (likely those of the hunter) in a bush next to the Radstag.


Collect more meat from animal kills.


Sunshine Tidings Co-op

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

The Sunshine Tidings Co-op is initially overrun by Feral Ghouls. Be prepared for them when you enter the area.

The magazine is found in one of the Cabins in the Southwestern part of the settlement. There is a silo just to the east of the cabin.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Once inside, head to the back of the cabin.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Between the fireplace and the Steamer Trunk you will find the Wasteland Survival Guide.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Magazine 4[edit]

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.


Wasteland Survival Guide: The Scrapyard Home Decoration Guide

A line drawing of a lawn flamingo. A shack style house is shown in the background.


Unlock new Decoration items in Workshop Settlements.


Lynn Woods

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Head into the metal house that is just West to the giant tower that dominates the location.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Go into the house and through the first doorway in front of you.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Magazine 5[edit]

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.


Wasteland Survival Guide: Water Aerobics for Ghouls.

A variety of ghouls are shown floating on their backs in water.


Permanently swim 25% faster.


Old Gullet Sinkhole

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

This location will have a Deathclaw. Be very careful! Go down into the bottom of the sinkhole after you deal with it. Head into the the water and swim to the Southwest corner. You can see a drop in the water itself. You want to head there.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

You will drop down into a lower area. Head out of the to the South. Go up the nearby slope.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Turn to the left and look toward the cooking station. On a cinder block nearby it is the Wasteland Survival Guide.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Magazine 6[edit]

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.


Wasteland Survival Guide: Insect Repellent Special.

A Wastelander is shown spraying a Bloodbug with "Die Bug Die Dead Bug". There are at least 3 died Radroaches on the ground.

In a smaller print are the words: "DIE!!", "I HATE BUGS!" and "DIE BUGS!"


Permanently take 5% less damage from Insects


Crater House

This area is irradiated and there are a number of tough enemies here.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Go to this side of the main walkway around the central pond. Head over to the marked location and drop down toward the pond.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

In the lower area you will find a table with a lantern on it.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Next to the Lantern is the issue of the Wasteland Survival Guide.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Magazine 7[edit]

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.


Wasteland Survival Guide: Commonwealth Coupon Spectacular

A man with curly hair and eyebrows is shown with fistfuls of coupons. More are shown of to the sides of him. One reads "1 cap off Drink" and and another reads "1 cap off Meat".


Permanently gain 10% discount from food and drink vendors.


Nahant Oceanology Society

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Go into the house to the East that you find at the location. Ignore the other building for now.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Inside the house, go to the back room. Go through to the second room using the holes in the walls.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Turn to the left and look for the desk to the left of the Television. On the right-hand edge of the desk is the Wasteland Survival Guide.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Magazine 8[edit]

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.


Wasteland Survival Guide: The Bright Side of Radiation Poisoning.

A mutated man with two sets of arms is shown on the cover. The lower set of arms holds the title of the issue. One of his eyes has been dislodged from its socket. It looks like it is still connected and working.


Permanently heal 50% more from irradiated packaged food and drink.


Egert Tours Marina

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Head to the West to find the pier with a diner on it. Go on out to it.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Head inside the small diner.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

In the back left you will find the issue of the Wasteland Survival Guide.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Magazine 9[edit]

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.


Wasteland Survival Guide: Farming the Wastes

First Issue.

A bald man and a woman are standing next to each other. They are framed by their tato plants.


Heal 50% more from fruits and vegetables.


Wreck of the USS Riptide

This is a Raider location. Expect a lot of them here.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

This magazine is found inside the ship itself. Make your way toward bow of the ship to the West on the Northern side of it.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

On the Northern side in the bow is a door.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Inside the room, on a table on the right is the issue of the Wasteland Survival Guide.

Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine in Fallout 4.

Grab the magazine to complete the collection.