Down in Amanaki Town is the second quest in Far Cry 3
Quest Type[edit]
Story Quest
Start Location[edit]
How to Start[edit]
This quest starts after a short cutscene in which Dennis inscribes the Tatau on your arm.
Learn some of the basic concepts in the game such as buying weapons and clearing Radio Towers
Buy a 1911 handgun at the store.
Follow Dennis out of the village.
Get to the top of the radio tower.
Use the zipline to reach the ground faster.
Dennis gives you $60, which is just enough to buy a 1911 from the Amanaki Store. After you've bought the pistol, follow Dennis out of the village, then proceed to the Radio Tower. Climb up the Tower using the stairs and ladder there. Disable the Scrambler, then use the Zipline to get back down. Talk to Dennis and open your map. Note that areas in red are hostile areas and need to be liberated by capturing an Outpost, but don't worry about it for now, the story will walk you through liberating the outpost soon.
Previous Quest[edit]
Next Quest[edit]
"Listen. My older brother has been killed. I need to find my younger brother and four other friends. You'll help me?" (Jason)
"No. You can only help yourself. I'm going to free you." (Dennis)
"What do they say in America? There is a first time for everything" (Dennis after hearing Jason has never shot anyone)